Welcome, we are so glad you stopped by to visit our site. Please stay a while and look around.
We have a lot of fun activities for newcomers to the area.
For the safety and well-being of our members, the Newcomers Club, Inc. Board has voted to follow the
recommended COVID-19 health protocols provided by the State of Texas for all in-person club activities. We ask our members to stay informed and take actions based on wise
judgement that will protect your personal health and the health of others. Please refer to the current recommended health protocols from The Texas Department of State Health Services
at Recommended Health Protocols
We will continue to provide opportunities for social connection, both in person and virtually, so that we can support each other during this time of social distancing
and continue to encourage friendship. Please contact the Activity Group Leader for any activity you are interested in attending for more details.
Copyright 2008-2025 © Bell County Newcomers Club Inc. All Rights Reserved